Detoxification and Glutathione

is the process by which chemicals and harmful substances are removed safely from the body.   Your child’s body has 4 different routes to remove toxins.

 Your child’s body removes toxins via the:
  1. Digestive tract
  2. Kidneys
  3. Lungs
  4. Skin

 The first three routes of detoxification are the most effective.  When the digestive tract, kidneys and lungs are impaired or overwhelmed with toxic substances, the skin becomes the last resort in the body’s attempt to remove harmful substances.  This is why so many children with autism have skin disorders.  Inflammation from the digestive tract and an inability to remove toxins effectively make the skin more susceptible to rashes, eczema and infection.

The liver is in charge of “managing” harmful substance removal. There are 10 different pathways for detoxification and each one needs adequate support from nutrients such as antioxidants.  If the digestive tract is impaired, nutrient status is unable to support effective detoxification.  If there is an enzyme in any one of the 10 detox pathways that is not functioning optimally, harmful substances like heavy metals store in the tissues and negatively impact development.


What is glutathione?

The body’s cheif detoxifier.  Toxic load has the potential to create or exacerbate immune irregularities putting children at higher risk for tic disorders.  Children who are developing neurotypically are able to remove toxins like heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals more effectively from the body.  A developing child, for example, will use up two molecules of glutathione to get rid of one molecule of mercury.  Children with Tourette’s Syndrome have altereed immune response.  Toxicity is an important biomedical treatment strategy to remove obstacles for healthy regulated immune function.


To learn more about testing glutathione levels visit: