What is Methyl-B12 (MB12)? B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin “family” with five unique family members that each do different things. Out of the B12 family, only methyl-B12 has the ability to activate the methionine/homocysteine biochemical pathway directly which results in more “fuel” to the brain. MB12 works with folic acid to make all the cells in the body. It plays a key role in METHYLATION. ... Read More
Who Can Benefit?
Children with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of: Autism Spectrum Disorder PDD / PDD-NOS Asperger’s Syndrome ADHD TS -Tourrette Syndrome LDs including dyslexia Apraxia and Dyspraxia Fragile X, ACC, Rett Syndrome Global Developmental Delay Speech language delay Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Anxiety and Mood disorders ... Read More
Biomedical Treatments
Children with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of: Autism Spectrum Disorder PDD / PDD-NOS Asperger’s Syndrome AD/HD, ADD, AD/HD LDs including dyslexia Apraxia and Dyspraxia Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Fragile X, ACC, Rett Syndrome Global Developmental Delay Speech language delay Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Tourette syndrome Anxiety and Mood disorders Do you have more questions ... Read More