It is estimated that 18% of Canadian children have a neurodevelopmental disorder. In the US, the ratio 1 in every 6 children who have a diagnosis of autism, autism spectrum disorder, PDD, ADD, ADHD, Tourette’s, OCD, learning disabilities and ODD. It is my belief that instead of a spectrum, we are dealing with a sphere of develpmental issues that is impacting more and more kids every year. The reason why is uncertain, although overwhelming research points to environmental toxicity, and no matter what the cause it is a health crisis of epic proportions.
If you add in the kids suffering with eczema, allergies and asthma, you will find that most North American children struggle with protecting their cells from environmental toxins and inflammatory damage. To learn more about children with “atopic” or inflammatory issues like eczema, allergies and asthma, visit for more information. As a child’s need to protect their cells from insult increases, so does their inflammatory response. Autism, PDD and ADHD are inflammatory issues that impact the brains ability to develop typically. Asthma is an inflammatory issue that impacts the lungs, eczema the skin etc.
Pesticides, metals and toxins added to our food like additive s and dyes have been identified as underlying causative factors of these chronic inflammatory issues. Adults, when overcome with inflammation, develop diseases like heart disease, cancer, arthritis and diabetes. When kids are inundated with inflammation as their bodies attempt to create a protective buffer against environmental insult, they are plagued with developmental and immune issues.
In my practice, I have treated hundreds of children who have benefited from the individualized approach of biomedical treatment. Functional medicine is the wave of the future as clinicians scramble to learn how to help the hundreds of thousands of childrens dealing with language, social, cognitive and behavioural issues.
Biomedical treatment has the ability to help the majority of children, especially children who have a diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis of :
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Asperger’s Syndrome
TS -Tourrette Syndrome
LDs including dyslexia
Apraxia and Dyspraxia
Global Developmental Delay
Speech language delay
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Anxiety and Mood disorders or OCD
Oppositional Defiant and Behavioural Issues
Children with chronic sleep and/or immune issues
Asthma and Allergies