What is Methyl-B12 (B12)?
B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin “family” with five unique family members that each do different things. Out of the B12 family, only methyl-B12 has the ability to activate the methionine/homocysteine biochemical pathway directly which results in more “fuel” to the brain.
B12 works with folic acid to make all the cells in the body. It plays a key role in methylation. Methylation makes ALL of the cells in our body. It is the process of adding genetic material to cells. After conception, the cells in the womb that will later become the fetus are DEMETHYLATED. The process of development depends on methylation.
Increasing evidence is revealing the role of methylation in the interaction of environmental factors with genetic expression in playing a role in developmental issues like Tourette’s Syndrome. Differences in maternal care during the first 6 days of life in a mammal can cause different methylation patterns in some genes. Methylation has also been shown to impact inflammation after a child leaves the womb.
Methylation is responsible for:
- RNA and DNA (genetic material responsible for every function in the body)
- Immune system regulation
- Detoxification of heavy metals and other harmful substances
- Making GLUTATHIONE (the body’s main detoxification enzyme responsible for removing mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, tin, aluminum and antimony)
- Production and function of proteins
- Regulating inflammation
Why does methyl-B12 help children with Tourette’s Syndrome?
The brain is the only part of the body that has depends entirely on B12 to detoxify. As the the brain is over-burdened with toxic substances, the “wheels” of methylation slow, severely impacting development. Methyl-B12 is also responsible for regulation of the immune system and inflammation. Methylation is an important part of neurotransmitter production and regulation. The methyl B12 cycle plays an important role in production and balance of serotonin, dopamine and GABA. Dopamine has been the brain chemical of most interest because of the benefit of dopamine blocking pharmaceutical agents. B12 aims to regulate a child’s individual biochemistry by addressing underying impairmentin the methylation cycle.
Side Effects are considered “positive negatives” because they are a sign that treatment is working. These side effects are transient and will diminish with time.
- Hyperactivity
- Mouthing of objects
- Sleep disturbances – which can be managed with other treatments
- Aggression, hitting and biting – caused by frustration due to increased awareness
*Side effects can be mild to severe and are considered transient which means they will pass as treatment progresses*
Parents should understand that the maximum results from MB12 therapy occur over years, not months, not weeks. Initial results will be obvious within the first 3-5 week period of time; but MB12’s power is in continued use.
Why is MB12 most effective when injected into the bum?
According to Dr. Neubrander (www.drneubrander.com), “Only the subcutaneous injectable route of administration into the adipose tissue of the buttocks will produce the remarkable results parents want to see!”
All forms of administration work to some degree, and some better than others. Injection has been shown to be, by far, the most effective route of administration. It is through injection that the most dramatic strides in development are seen.
MB12 injection into the buttocks area allows MB12 to surround the cells and stay in the system continually. Oral, transdermal or intranasal forms cause the MB12 levels to fluctuate up and down. All cobalamins are absorbed in the last portion of the small intestine, the terminal ileum. Dr. Wakefield and Dr. Krigsman and Dr. Buie have shown through their research that an extremely high percentage of children on the autistic spectrum have an inflammatory bowel condition that affects this region of the intestinal tract. This makes injection a better choice than depending on the digestive tract for absorption.