Children diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome and developmental delay experience a higher rate of vitamin and mineral deficiency. The nutrients most commonly deficient include vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acisd, digestive enzymes and amino acids. Testing to evaluate each child’s nutrient status is very important to successful biomedical treatment.
Here are some of the key nutrients that are deficient and used in the biomedical treatment of Tourette’s Syndrome:
- Essential Fatty Acids
- B vitamins – especially B6 and B12
- Iron
- Magnesium and Calcium
- Zinc and Copper ratio
- Vitamins A, C, D, E and K
- Carnitine levels
Nutrients given in supplement form play a large role in successful biomedical treatment of Tourette’s, ODD, AD/HD, Autism, PDD, learning disabilities and speech delay. By evaluating an individual child’s nutrient deficiencies and repairing them, dramatic shifts in development can be seen. Benefits from nutrient therapy frequently include improved eye contact, decrease sefl-stimulating behaviour, improved language, social and cognitive function.